Hey all! My name is Sarah Sentianin. I was born in Orange County and moved to Palm Desert when I was 5. All my schooling through my AA were all done in Palm Desert. I graduated from Palm Desert High School in February 2000. I then spent many years screwing around in a community college, COD (College of the Desert). I now attend CSUSM, where I will graduate in the spring of '09. I am a Liberal Studies major with an emphasis in Child Development. I hope to start the credential program in the fall of '09. EDUC 422 is my last prerequisite class to complete.
I use my computer daily. I recently bought a new HP laptop. I love it, but I would have rather gotten a Mac. I think I settled for the PC because I am familiar with how things work. I love to explore the internet and I do a lot of communication through email. About 2 years ago, I had a teacher assign a powerpoint project and I had no experience with them. I was a little embarrassed when she stated that her 4th grade daughter knew how to make them. I am becoming more and more comfortable with them each time I make one. I absolutely hate the new set-up for Microsoft Office, so I use the 2002 version. I hope that I will be able to continue to use it for quite awhile.
In my search for what I wanted to be when I became a bigger kid, I stumbled upon teaching. I did not always want to teach. I had always wanted to be a chemical engineer. I went to help a friend in her classroom for a week and immediately fell in love with her students. I knew this was what I wanted to do. I began to look at a few different schools and my little sister begged me to check out CSUSM, because that is where she was going. In my research, I found out that CSUSM was ranked very high for teaching. The first time I read the mission statement for the College of Education at CSUSM, I felt at home. So, I applied and here I am, making the necessary steps to become a bigger kid. It was like someone was reading my thoughts. The part that really stood out was when it said "life-long learning." I love to learn knew things and I was glad that they thought it was important as well.
Hey Sarah! I love your comment about wanting to be a teacher when you're a "bigger kid". I think that goes along perfectly with the fact that your favorite part of the COE mission statement is the focus on fostering lifelong learning. We should all share your view and be more childlike in our openess to learning new things throughout our lives. I'm so happy we have 422 together!
Michelle R.
I know just what you mean! I also fell in love with the kids the first week of being a substitute and felt like I belonged there. Your positive outlook, spunk and work ethic will make you such a great asset to your students. The kids will love you right back. Yes, and as teachers, we also get to be perpetual students (and big kids!)
Beth C.
Hi Sarah!
I definitely related to your power point story! Thats amazing to me that a 4th grader knew how to do one- I didn't learn how to until college! Technology sure is being taught a lot more now to younger children! I too was emabarrassed by not knowing how to do one at first, but am still learning by doing, and I have a lot more to learn! I'm happy we have class together! I think you'll be an excellent teacher- you have a wonderful personality and you clearly love the job, which I think is SO important!
Hi Sarah,
I can't figure out where I know you from. We must have had a class here together. It must feel good to have your preqeqs almost done! What do you want to teach?
Sarah T.
Hey Sarah! I love that you feel like a big kid. And I fell in love with students and changed careers too!
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