Journal #3
Villa, Richard. “Special Education.” 10th Annual Summer Leadership Institute.
Dr. Richard Villa was a very entertaining presenter. He talked about how he considered special education as the last form of segregation in schools. Dr. Villa was enthusiastic and hopeful toward the future possibility of special education in schools. He focused his presentation around 5 questions to answer. While he gave the answers to these questions, I started to think about how schools work as I know them to. His ideas did not seem to be unrealistic and in fact, he even stressed that it would take time and energy to achieve what he was proposing. Schools need to bring their focus back to the students. It is there where we are raising our next set of adults who will run the country, invent things, be our doctors and lawyers, etc. Schools should help all students realize their potential, work as a team and still have the motivation through what he describes as “equalence.” Through all of our trial an error in schools, equalence seems to be the best answer for solving the issue of special education as segregation. Through equalence, all children will be able to play and win in the game of school. Dr. Villa used the game of musical chairs to show his point and I thought that was a great way to show what he was proposing. I especially liked his stress relieving tips he gave at the end.
Q: Is mainstreaming all subjects beneficial to all students?
A: I honestly do not think so. I do think that special education is holding some students back and they should be mainstreamed into some of the subjects. It is important for all students to interact with those who are different than them. At the same time, special education allows for more one-on-one time and they are given extra help where they need it. I am not sure where the happy medium is where the benefit is maximized for all students.
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