Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Journal #6

Journal #6
CITE Journal:

I was going to start off with talking about T.H.E. Journal, but since it was given to us, I figured I would find others that you might not have heard about. The first one I found is called the AACE Journal (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education).

This journal began as a print journal and is now an online journal. The people who subscribe to the journal are allowed to add their opinion or start a discussion to an article. One does not need to be subscribed to read the articles.

The next online publication I found is called the CITE Journal (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education). It is monitored by 5 organizations which specialized areas of education. The think I liked best about this journal is it breaks down each discipline and applies talks about how to apply technology to that area. Like the AACE, the articles can be read for free online.

If you decide to subscribe to either of these journals, there is an option to subscribe to seven different educational technology publications. The AACE monitors the subscriptions to all of these publications.

Q: Are the sites easy to navigate?

A: Yes! They both were incredibly easy to navigate through. I think I liked the CITE Journal better, because it broke the technology down into subjects. If you want an article more specific to your needs, this would minimize the search time.

Q: Do you have to pay to use these sites?

A: If you only want to read an article every now and then or it is a one time use, then no, I wouldn't recommend to pay to subscribe. If you want to read it often, I would say to subscribe to the journals.

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